Understanding and abiding by the core principles of consent and boundaries opens up the possibility of greater maturity, depth and confidence in all relationships. Consent is typically an area discussed in relation to sexual relationships and is indeed a fundamental element of the foundation of all successful intimate relating. Consent also permeates through all other types of relationship supporting positive win/win communication.

How Does Consent Training Help?

The core learning from the consent and boundaries trainings that I offer a deep understanding of each individual’s fundamental right to feel assured and confident in their ‘No’ and their ‘Yes’ and to show each individual how to honour their own and others’ decisions in areas of relating/communicating.

Understanding issues and challenges around consent is crucial to those working in a professional context in a care giving and/or therapeutic setting, and allows them to develop healthy best practice boundaries which ensure mutual respect in client relationships.

Clear communication of boundaries when relating to family, friends and work colleagues is essential in order to ensure that mutual respect occurs. Through an understanding of how to set boundaries and operate from a place of mutual respect for ourselves and others we learn how to reach voluntary and ideally enthusiastic agreement, approval or permission with others.

Teaching the key elements of consent to parents and children ensures that children feel empowered and have the skills necessary to have healthy and respectful relationships throughout their lives.

Workshops for teenagers and young adults successfully bring to light the key concerns about what consent is, how to be fully aware of one’s own boundaries, how to operate from a place of self-confidence and surety and also how to respect and honour the boundaries of others. These workshops also support young people in navigating to a place of maturity and ease in communication in intimate relationships but also within the wider world of relating with others.

Clear and honest communication in intimate relationships is vital to ensuring that both partners are fully and completely comfortable and confident. When each person has a real understanding of what they are truly happy with and what they wish to avoid within relationship then there is no confusion and boundaries can be clearly stated. Becoming aware of a partner’s boundaries and where their consent lies is also fundamental in successful relating ensuring no misunderstandings and that both can allow themselves to be fully at ease, deepening and enhancing all elements of a relationship.

What happens in Consent Training

My trainings are experiential, incorporating guided discussion and fun, interesting and thought-provoking exercises that impart fundamental learnings necessary to:

  • Have an opportunity to really consider individual boundaries and where consent lies in relevant situations
  • Learn how to say no without guilt, with options to renegotiate a possibility too
  • Get clarity on ‘yes’ and being clear and confident on what you want and what your partner/family member/client/friend/work colleague/manager requires.
  • Learn how to deal with rejection
  • Feel empowered in choices
  • Feel truly confident in your ability to ask for what you want in a respectful way and also clearly state what you don’t want.
Trainings are designed to support people of all ages at their current levels of understanding and dependent on duration can use a variety of different learning methods.


I have studied extensively with Dr. Betty Martin and her Wheel of Consent tool is the core model that I base my boundaries and consent training on.

Who is Consent Training For?

Consent training is for everyone. Having boundaries, being aware of those of others and seeking consent in relationships are basic human skills like politeness or resilience that can greatly enhance a person’s life and facilitate clearer communications and better relationships. Knowledge of consent and boundaries is absolutely crucial to anyone who works with vulnerable people.

Trainings in Consent and Boundaries can be tailor made for a wide variety of audiences including but not limited to:

  • Children
  • Young Adults
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Carers
  • Therapists/Counsellors/Coaches
  • Social Workers
  • Health Care Professionals